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HART Communications Protocol

People use to think that field networks were the only solution when it came to the use of smart field devices but HART proved it wrong. HART communication protocol provides the easy installation that is equipped with 4 to 20mA technique. Today HART is a preferred choice for the smart field devices.

HART communication protocol is a reliable and globally acknowledged Protocol used for digital communication between the host and smart devices and enables powerful control and monitoring system for the user.  In simple words, HART provides two dimensional Communication and data access i.e. from smart device to host and from host to the smart device.
A smart device can be any intelligent field instrument and the host is any software application on a laptop or other device used by technician which controls the plant processes, enables security features and is basically the control point of the plant.
HART technology has proven to be efficient in modern technology and is more efficient and provides reliable results but it can only be used with the intelligent devices that understand digital data. Almost all the new smart devices accept digital language provided by HART protocol but some may not.
If the smart device is not equipped with 4 to 20mA analog wiring, the benefits of HART digital communication cannot be achieved because it provides communication along with 4 to 20mA wiring and signals. So it is important to provide the plant a digital upgrade if it is does not have these analog wirings.
Hart technology plays a very important and critical role in the device management and operation. It provides device configuration, device troubleshooting and diagnostics. Its current status of health and it reads all the extra values provided by the machine and HART technology makes this communication possible between the host and the smart device.

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