Once the photoelectric sensor detects 10 products, the robotic arm will begin to pack up. When the action is completed, the robotic arm and the counter will be reset.
Topics Covered in this example is using counter in PLC Program
Number of PLC Inputs Required
X0 - Photoelectric sensor for counting products. X0 = ON when products are detected.
X1 - Robotic arm action completed sensor. X1 = ON when packing is completed.
Number of PLC Counter Required
C0 - Counter: 16-bit counting up (general purpose)
Number of PLC Outputs Required
Y0 - Robotic arm for packing
PLC Ladder Programming:
PLC Ladder Programming Description:
- Once the photoelectric sensor detects a product, X0 will go from OFF to ON once, and C0 will count for one time.
- When the present value in C0 reaches 10, the Normally Open contact C0 will be closed. Y0 = ON, and the robotic arm will begin to pack.
- When the packing is completed, the robotic arm action completed sensor will be enabled. X1 will go from OFF to ON and RST instruction will be executed. Y0 and C0 will be reset for the next packing task.